Comprehensive Website Audit

Quite often, you can see very beautiful-looking websites, which lose their visitors. Why does this happen?

There may be several reasons for this. Such reasons include long page loading due to incorrect scripts, illogical structure of the site itself, incorrect display of the site in various browsers, and much more. Syncweb company is engaged in a comprehensive website audit. We check and test many aspects and parameters of your website, and finally compile a report with recommendations for troubleshooting.

When should an audit be performed?

Your website works with errors that interfere with users.
Your website takes a long time to load and you do not know why.
There is a significant decrease in traffic, orders, and positions in search engine results.
You invest a lot in the website, but do not get results.

Types of audit

Technical audit

The technical audit helps to identify errors of technical nature. Technical problems are one of the most common causes of website instability. During testing, errors in the script code and conflicts between scripts are detected, and the website page loading speed is tested.

Detecting technical errors

The first and most important stage of the technical audit is to assess the technical condition of your website. If some of the functionality on your website is not working correctly, and various errors appear, all these factors lead to the fact that you lose visitors, and therefore potential customers. Therefore, it is very important to identify technical errors that interfere with the full operation of the website.

Security check

Most website owners do not pay much attention to security, which is very wrong. Deliberate hacking, viruses infecting the website, unreliable passwords, outdated CMS versions, incorrect server settings — all this can lead to the website being stopped for a long time. A security audit allows you to get a list of actions aimed at improving the security of your website.

Checking your hosting settings

As a hosting company, we know very well how incorrect hosting or server settings can negatively affect the performance and operation of the website. All developers of content management systems (CMS) have certain hosting requirements that change over time. Therefore, a competent and timely hosting setup also ensures the stable operation of your website.

Usability audit

Usability audit is a series of tests aimed at evaluating the usability of a website. Tests conducted at this stage make it clear how convenient your website is for the end-user, how logical your website structure is, how logical is the location of various content elements, and what difficulties users may have when visiting your website pages.

Website structure analysis

The logical structure of your website determines how quickly your visitors can find the products and services they need. If the structure is overloaded, the user (your potential client) will not find the information and will simply go to another website. We conduct a thorough analysis of the structure, delving into the specifics of the business, and then build the most logical and concise structure of the website.

Correct displaying of the website

Currently, a large percentage of visits are made from mobile devices. The website must display equally well on desktop computers and laptops, as well as on smartphones and tablets. If the mobile layout is not optimized, some of the blocks may overlay each other, or go completely beyond the screen area, while hiding important information. We check each page of the website for correct display in the most popular modern browsers, as well as on various devices.

Usability analysis

Usability shows how convenient your website is for users. A modern website consists of many elements, and how logical and convenient they work means how much visitors like it. A simple example: you have created a visually beautiful website, but with complex or the illogical functionality. A user who comes to such a website can find the desired product or service, but since the purchase process is very complex, the user will simply leave without placing an order. When conducting a usability audit, we look at the behavior of users on the website, study and analyze every element that can serve as a point of failure. As a result, you get a list of recommendations that will help you optimize your website and most importantly make it more attractive to your potential customers.

SEO Audit

SEO audit allows you to understand how well the website is ready for search promotion. Here we study various metrics, how well the search engines are familiar with website, study the internal content of the website, as well as the website's preparation for promotion from the technical side.

The analysis of website indexing

In the analysis of indexing, we study how well the Yandex and Google search engines are familiar with your website, as well as define the number of pages in the search results. If search engines poorly index your website, this may indicate internal problems of the site, such as page duplicates, incorrect configuration of website mirrors, incorrect response codes from the server, and much more. Indexing analysis is largely related to the technical component of the website, so it is often called technical SEO audit.

Website content analysis

The concept of content includes all the information that is on your website. It is primarily text, photos, illustrations, and videos. After you have published a website, its content is studied and evaluated not only by users, but also by search robots that check your website for compliance with various search engine parameters. That ultimately affects the display of the website in search engines (such as Yandex and Google). Content audit helps you understand how well your website is filled and how well it meets the requirements of search engines. In addition, the content audit will allow you to have a clear plan to eliminate current problems with content, as well as a strategy for further development of the website, taking into account all recommendations.

Semantic core and meta tag analysis

An audit of the semantic core helps you understand how well the key queries that are used to promote pages were selected. We check the relevance of the semantic core, how much the query type corresponds to the page, and whether the user's query is correct. In addition, we check the availability and correct use of titles, as well as Title and Description meta tags.

6 reasons to order a website audit in Syncweb

Comprehensive verification of the technical part, usability and SEO

We will help you not only find, but also fix all problems with the website and hosting

High quality of works performed on the website

Detailed reports with specific recommendations

We work under a contract

Flexible price policy

Order a comprehensive website audit

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