FTP (File Transport Protocol) is the most common protocol for uploading files to a server. Special software is used to upload files using this protocol. For Windows operating systems family, for example: Total Commander, FAR, FileZilla, Cute FTP and others.
We will discuss step-by-step how to connect and upload files to the server using Total Commander.
First, we need to download and install Total Commander.
You can download it on the official website here.
So, we downloaded, installed and launched Total Commander.
1. Creating a new connection
Let's create a new connection, which will be used to work via FTP in the future. Go to the Net menu, then FTP connect or simply press Ctrl+F.

In the newly opened window “Connection to FTP server” click “New connection”.

A new “Configure FTP connection” window will open up.

Here we need to enter the following data:
The connection name is the name of your connection, any one that you can easily remember. For example, you can enter a domain name here.
Server [Port] - servername.syncweb.ru, or site.ru if the domain is delegated to our DNS. The server name is sent via the e-mail after account creation, and is also available in the Control Panel, on the main page.

SSL/TLS — Set the SSL/TLS flag.
Account — Specify your login.
Password — Enter your password corresponding to the username you entered.
Leave everything else by default and click OK.
2. FTP Connection
In the FTP connect window, the previously created connection appears. Select it and click Connect, then in the right or left window of the program (depending on which window was active during connection) the contents of your directory will appear on server.

3. Copying files to the server
In the window where your files are located, select the desired files and press copy (F5). In the window that opens, click OK, confirming the data transfer.
To select all contents of the current directory, press Ctrl+A.
Work well!