To top up your account balance, go to the “Top up balance” tab located on the main page in the “Taskbar”.
Next, follow four simple steps:
Step 1. Choosing a payment method.
On this page, you need to choose the payment method, currency, as well as the amount credited to your account. Enter the amount you wish to credit to your account, as well as the currency, and then click the "Pay" button next to the payment method that is convenient to you.
Step 2. Choosing the payer.
Select the payer from the list, if necessary, you can create a new one. Then click “Next”.
Step 3. Information about the payer.
This page shows information about the payer, if necessary, you can change the data. After checking the data, click “Next”.
Step 4. Confirmation of payment.
On this page, you need to select one of the payment methods provided and click “Finish”.