Corporate identity is a set of many factors that ensure recognition of a company in the market. Elements of corporate identity can be a color solution in the design of the goods package, logo, as well as advertising slogans that are associated with the activities of the company.
What functionality does the corporate identity carry?
- Image creation, which facilitates promotion of the company by creating an easily recognizable, attractive brand. Customers are willing to overpay for a well-known brand, as it is prestigious. This is why such branded devices as Apple are so popular.
- Identification. A uniform color solution in the design of package allows you to combine different groups of products of one company.
- Differentiation – brand awareness, the ability to distinguish it among other similar products and services.
- The use of corporate identity greatly simplifies the process of introducing a new product to the market, allows you to reduce the cost of advertising.

Once we understand the functionality, consider what elements form a corporate identity.
It is the logo that attracts the attention of the consumer when choosing goods and services, regardless of the type of the company’s activity, whether it is the automotive industry, the bank or the production of perfumes and clothing.
Unlike a logo, a trademark is subject to registration. There are several types:
- A combination of words, such as Johnson and Johnson, Coca-Cola;
- Image – Apple logo, Lacoste crocodile;
- A combination of words and images, for example, Burger King, Pizza Hut restaurants, Starbucks coffee shop chain;
- Volumetric (three-dimensional) – patented Coca-Cola bottle shape;
- Sound – ring tones on mobile phones, TV and radio advertising clips;
- Taste and dynamic - the definition of a product that evokes an association with a particular brand.
Name block
This definition includes the use of several components - a logo, image, motto or slogan. The name block should be aesthetic, bright, easy to remember, easy to read. The block can be used for registration of letterheads, production of business cards, souvenirs.

Slogan is a company’s motto that identifies a particular product or company. It is a major component in the creation of advertising. The combination of words should cause trust, sympathy, desire to buy a product or use a service. A striking example is "Because you're worth it", a slogan that is used in the promotion of cosmetic products by L’Oréal.
Use of color
The combination of certain colors also helps the company in promoting the product and makes the brand recognizable. For example, KFC uses red not only in the logo, but also in the interior design of their restaurants, while the McDonald's chain is easily recognizable by the combination of bright yellow and red colors.