The whole world is massively switching to HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) and the benefits are undeniable:
- security of all transmitted data on a website, including bank cards numbers and personal information;
- indirectly increases customer loyalty;
- better positions in Google search results, which increases a chance to get new customers.
You can use self-signed certificates for security, but your customer trust will be low. Therefore, for issuing an SSL certificate we recommend to use the services of special organizations called a Certification Authority (CA).
All our clients, can issue an SSL certificate by CA Let’s Encrypt just in a few click and absolutely free.
From March 13 this year, you can get a Let’s Encrypt Wildcard SSL certificate for free. You don't need to issue a separate certificate for each subdomain (for e.g *, all you need is Wildcard certificate for all your subdomains. If you want to use several subdomains or want to simplify and reduce a number of your certificates, it is better to use Wildcard certificate.
How to install Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
First of all you need active Shared Hosting on your account. Then, you need to go to the hosting control panel. Select the menu item WWW->SSL-certificates->Let’s Encrypt
Fill the required data and you can use your Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate.