High-Availability Cloud Launched at Stack24 Data Center

In a strategic move, SyncWEB has seamlessly introduced a high-availability cloud at the Stack24 data center, marking a significant milestone in their ongoing development.

"Kazan has become the third platform for our company to offer cloud infrastructure (IaaS). Leveraging this cloud, we not only provide virtual infrastructure but also deliver information security as a service (SOC&SECaas). We are prepared to take on all responsibilities for the hosting and support of clients' business applications and the data they process. This allows them to focus their resources away from server administration, network protection, and compliance with standards such as PCI DSS, OUD 4, and others," explained SyncWEB's CEO, Maxim Bornovolokov.

The new data center in Kazan complies with Uptime Institute's Uptime TIER3 standards (Uptime Institute Management & Operations) and is certified to meet PCI DSS requirements.