Syncweb is a certified hosting partner of Simpla CMS confirmed the status of a certified hosting provider that meets all technical requirements of Simpla CMS. The status of a certified hosting partner allows us to guarantee correct operation of Simpla CMS on shared hosting or cloud servers.

The testing process included an extensive list of tasks:

  • Filling CMS with products
    We've prepared a CSV file containing more than 10,000 products and and upload it into the system. The file was loaded successfully and without any errors.
  • Single page generation rate analysis
    For this test, we used the WebPageTest service, and carefully studied indicators such as First Byte, Start Render, Document Complete, Fully Loaded, Speed Index.
  • Load tests
    For this tests we often use and, these load testing tools allows us to understand what is the peak load can carry a website we testing. We making tests on each of our tariff plans and watch how a loading speed of an entire site and individual pages changes depending on the generated number of site visitors.
  • Checking of server log files
    It is very important to check the error logs files after installing CMS from the "box" (typical configuration), or after installing some customized version.

As a result of tests conducted with the developers of Simpla CMS, we were convinced our hosting is fully complies with the requirements.

Simpla is a solution for quickly creating an online store with great features and good design. This system has been actively supported since 2012 and has thousands of independent developers and more than 63,000 licenses were issued ocer the years.

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