SyncWeb has received a special status of a certified hosting provider assigned to a partner whose hosting services meet all the requirements of the NetCat system.
This status guarantees the reliable operation of your website on any tariff plan and with full compliance of NetCat technical requirementst.

About companies:
NetCat is a developer of one of the leading content management system on the Russian market. The first version of NetCat CMS was released in 1999. NetCat partners are more than two thousand developers across the country, and also there are more than 18,000 sites successfully operate on the NetCat CMS (as of the beginning of 2013).
Syncweb - is a big Russian hosting company. First of all, we are focused on corporate clients, who wants to be confident in the availability of their resources. We do not save on hardware and don't using desktop equipment or low-end server (entry level).